Can I claim the cost of my cup of coffee?

Can I claim the cost of my cup of coffee through my business? This is a question that we are commonly asked by our clients. The answer is, it depends on the amount of fun that you are having while you drink the coffee. If your having too much fun, then its likely to be considered by the ATO to be entertainment, and you can’t claim GST  or get a…  Read more

Payroll – keeping the wheels of your business turning

Payroll is usually the least popular member of business process family but is the one that quietly keeps your employees happy and the wheels of your business turning . It’s also the process that can cause your business problems if you get it wrong, which is sometimes tricky with the ever changing technical requirements. Here are our tips for staying on top of your payroll.  Use accounting software that makes…  Read more

Why a holiday should be part of your business plan

I’m at the end of a fabulous family holiday after a year of working through without a break. While I have always tried to squeeze in an annual holiday, this year seemed different … I didn’t just want the holiday, I needed it. After a busy year of growth , taking on new clients, employing new staff , I have realised that the break has had benefits for both me…  Read more

What to do if you get audited

No business owner looks forward to a letter from the taxman requesting a closer look at the books. If you’ve received an audit letter – an official request by the tax authority to review your accounts and confirm your taxes have been paid to date – don’t panic. Prepare. These four steps will help you get through the process with minimal stress and the best possible outcome. Respond promptly If…  Read more

The secret to fast debt collection – start talking!

Steady, reliable cash flow is crucial for the survival of any small business – so taking steps to ensure your customers pay promptly should be a key priority. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and to take your eyes off debtor collection but the truth is it is easy to collect your debts quickly , you just have to stop emailing and start talking! Business is all about human relationships…  Read more

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